Fast forward to today and my boys are both school age and shock horror, there are 13 weeks a year when there is no school! We get by on a mix of camps, sports clubs and of course dear Grandparents helping out but my goodness, is it a juggle.
As my business partner and friend pointed out to me today, we are working in the most flexible way possible - we dictate our own hours and workloads but there are still regular clients to service and admin to get done.
And of course, there are my wonderful sons who are fab company.... I want to spend the holidays with them. With my 8 year old I can already sense the 'I'd rather be with my mates playing footie' vibe so I want to cling on to these happy carefree days of visits to the farm, the park, the pool so that I can look back in a few years time with happiness, not wishing I hadn't been to this meeting or that, or locked myself in the loo to take another work call!
So to all you working parents out there (and I know Dad's juggle too!) hats off to you and as it's Friday night why not enjoy a glass or two of whatever takes your fancy.

Claire x
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