Saturday, 4 September 2010

Back to School

So day 1 of year 1 went well. Everything was labelled on time and polo shirt was even ironed!! Not sure if it was planned by Dan escaped the chaos and excitement as he needed to be on the Isle of Wight by 9am (hence a 6am getaway from the house!) This of course meant the boys and I had 3 hours to kill before the walk to school so we were super organised even if I did feel that I'd done a day's toil by 9am.

We are now a buggy free zone so Gabe opted to scoot to school (man is he fast on that thing) and Evan said he'd be cooler if he walked! It was a beautiful morning so we cut a dashing trio as we set off; I walked a safe distance behind Evan incase he toppled over from the weight of his new rucksack (the entire length of his torso!!)

Without a second glance he ran into the playground, I was greeted with hugs from lots of the Mum's which made me feel really good - I am a nice person after all and it was most odd not being the newbies in the playground - did Evan really look as tiny as all of the new Foundation Stage kids last year?

Decided to sack work today and Gabe and I enjoyed a day together - this time next year he'll be starting school full time (yikes!) We went swimming and took the dog for a lovely walk and played in the park .

All very uneventful but a reminder that my babies are growing up so fast ....... I should stop wasting time worrying and then blogging about it(!!) and just enjoy them


Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Nothing to report....

I almost feel a fraud, starting a blog and life has been remarkably calm and quiet. Am I tempting fate saying this, probably but I'll enjoy the relative peace whilst it lasts.

The bank holiday weekend was a welcome respite from juggling the pressures of work and home. Do we only truly switch off from work when we know everyone else has too? Bank holidays are a bit like Christmas (sorry did I say the C word), no-one is working so I don't feel guilty if I'm not. Guilt is a main hobby of mine, guilty of not working hard enough, guilty of not playing Guess Who enough with my children (that was this morning's guilt)!!

So it was walking the dog and watching the boys enjoy the picture of a perfect childhood - catching crayfish and water boatmen in the local stream. All was very calm until Gabriel announced he was going for a swim, ok darling I chortled, little did I know he was serious and splash he belly flopped into the ankle high water!! Oh dear. As he drip dried Evan was wading up to his thighs in a deeper part of the stream, Gabe decided to join him and.........splash, he went totally under the water. Arrrrgggghhhhh was my helpful cry until he announced with a splutter "is alwite Mummy, I just a bit wet"

Thank goodness the puppy was well behaved although she did get violated by a slobbering Sharpei and watched in awe as our friends dog rolled in a very green and stinky cow-pat! Don't even think about it!!

Well must dash, work beckons and the boys will be home from Nana's and nursery in a couple of hours

I like this blocking malarky, don't know if anyone else will ever read it but it really is therapy to write down the fun comings and goings of life
